Scouts Tasmania strive to protect our youth members from all forms of abuse.
We are committed to keeping our youth members safe and to educating our adult members on best practices in child safety.
Scouts Tasmania have adopted Scouts Australia’s Child Protection Policy. This comprehensive document can be accessed here:
Further information regarding Child Safe Scouting can be accessed here:
Scouts Tasmania is also bound by the Tasmanian legislation – Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023.
For more information about this commitment, please use the following resources:
The full Act can be accessed here –
The Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework can be accessed here –
The Child and Youth Safe Standards and the Universal Principle for Aboriginal Cultural Safety can be accessed here –
Scouts Tasmania is also part of the Reportable Conduct Scheme. Information about the scheme can be accessed here –
To report a concern about grooming or abuse (‘contemporary’/recent or ‘historical’/some time ago), please contact the Tasmanian Branch Office via any of the following options:
Scouts Australia – Tasmanian Branch
The Lea Scout Centre
330 Proctors Road
TAS 7015
Phone: (03) 6229 9385
Using any of these options, a statement such as “I would like to talk to someone privately about what happened to someone I know at Scouts” is enough to have your contact directed to the appropriate person. Please include your name and contact details, and you will be contacted as soon as possible, in a confidential environment, ensuring your privacy.
Scouts Tasmania’s e-reporting system is currently in development. It will be included here in the near future. We apologise for any inconvenience.